the boys

the boys

Saturday, December 31, 2011

....and let it begin with me (revised)

I posted a blog very similar to this in July 2010 and I felt the need to repost and tweak it a little bit for this New Year's Eve.  Last weekend at Christmas Eve Mass with Jeremy's family in Lee's Summit all parishioners were given a copy of a book titled Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly.  I've started reading it over the last few days and already feel inspired to have a better understanding of my religion and how to show it in my daily life.  If I were you I would anticipate several quotes and blogs stemming from chapters in this book! 

Tonight I took the boys to Saturday night Mass and they nearly slept through the whole thing which was fine because I had a nice chance to soak in the service.  The closing hymn was "Let Peace Begin With Me."  The second line to the song is "...and let it begin with me."

So, yes, as the song goes.... "let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow. To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let their be peace on Earth and let it begin with me."

I am not big on New Year's resolution so I'm not sure that this is really a resolution as much as it is a promise to myself.  Maybe they are the same thing, but I feel better not putting into the resolution category.  So this year I will strive to remind myself to let peace begin with me.  Let me encourage peace to those around me in all areas of my life. 

Happy New Year to all of my blog friends.  May 2012 bring health, happiness, and PEACE to all of you!!

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